The JAC UpdateClick here to download the JAC User Guide. Click here to download a free resizing tool from Microsoft. Putting newsletters onto your website. If you look at page 15 of the JAC User Guide you'll see how to add links to your newsletters to your website. This is a great way of adding pages and extra resources to your site; it also lets potential subscriber see what they're going to get before they sign up. In the past, when you've added a newsletter to your site, the URL of the new page starts with This is great for us at JAC and not so good for you, so we've found a new way that you can add newsletters to your site, so that each newsletter has your URL on it. This means more actual pages on your site, to be found by anyone searching for your company name. It also means that you can put Google Analytics onto your newsletters, once they're on your website. To do this, go to the History page of your JAC account and right click on the newsletter you want to put onto your website. Choose 'Save Target As' from the list, choose where to save it on your computer, give it a relevant name and click 'Save' or 'OK'. Then you need to go to your website and log into your CMS, so that you can add this document. If you don't have access to your website, you can send the file you've just saved to your web developers and ask them to do it. If we at Appletree look after your website for you, just let us know and we'll do it for you! The JAC Update - December 2009JAC DAY 17 November 2009 On 17 November 2009 we held our first JAC Day, when we were joined by lots of clients, who came to hear about all the improvements we've made to JAC over the last couple of years. Below are details of some of the things we covered. If you'd like more information about anything here, or anything else we talked about on the day, please do get in touch. Click here to download the JAC User Guide. Using images in newsletters. It's best to create images in the correct size you need for your newsletter before you load them into JAC. Click here to download a free resizing tool from Microsoft. Once it's installed on your computer, you can use it to resize any images. Images you load into JAC need to be jpgs and should be no more than 30kb. If you're looking for good images to add to your newsletter, click here to visit the Getty images website. Send criteria. These are used when you want to send a newsletter to a specific group of people on your newsletter list. You need to segment your list to do this, for instance, putting 'Yes' into a field to show which subscribers are your clients. When you're ready to send, select the criteria using the 'contains' option from the drop down list. You can currently only select one criteria for sending, as the and/or option doesn't work properly. Newsletter scheduling - auto responders. This is something new we're developing for JAC clients. You will be able to send out a series, such as a series of tips that you have written and loaded into JAC, to be sent at pre-determined time. We'll let you know when this is ready to use and how much it will cost. Tracking who opens your newsletter. Another area we're developing. This will give you the opportunity to follow up with people who have opened your newsletter and to group people who, for instance, haven't opened your newsletter for a number of months. Resending newsletters. You can now resend a newsletter to your entire list, without having to reload it. This is useful for resending offers or details of events. Add Send Criteria to a newsletter. When you send a newsletter to your entire mailing list, JAC shows this as the latest issue sent and will send it to new subscribers if your account is set to send them the latest issue. If you send a newsletter to your entire list that is about a special offer or event, that you don't want new subscribers to see as the latest issue, use the Send Criteria to select all email addresses that contain '@'. They all will, so everyone on your list will receive the newsletter, and JAC won't list it as the latest issue. If you forget to do this, you can now 'add send criteria' to a newsletter, so JAC doesn't see it as the latest issue. Just click the 'add send criteria' button in the History section. Welcome emails. You can now set your JAC account to send a Welcome email to new subscribers. Refer to the User Guide for full details of how to do this. Bookmarks. Something we added a while ago - check out the User Guide for more information. Bounced emails. Your JAC account shows you this month by month. After three bounces an email address is automatically removed from your list. We're looking at how you will be able to look at all the bounces and delete or edit them all from that screen, rather than having to find each one in your mailing list. The JAC Update - August 2009What can JAC do now? Bouncing Around When you send your newsletter, some of the emails you send it to will bounce - because the email address has changed or that person has left that business. At the end of each month JAC sends you an email to tell you which email addresses have bounced. It's worth you going through this list and checking, updating and changing any addresses which you know have changed. You can also delete ones that aren't getting through, which will increase your open rate percentage. So what's new? You can now look at the emails that have bounced whenever you want to. Just log into your JAC account and go to the History section. Click the Mailing List History link and you'll see four graphs - new subscribers, unsubscribes, Bouncing email addresses and Unsubscribed bounced email addresses.
If you don't know how to log into your JAC account, or you can't remember your username and password, get in touch and we'll help you get in and look at your mailing list! For more information, click here to download the latest version of the JAC User Guide. The JAC Update - July 2009Welcome Email for Your New Subscribers Here's the next upgrade to JAC for you! We've added a new function that allows you to send out a Welcome email when someone subscribes to your newsletter. Here's how to do it: When someone subscribes to your newsletter, or you add them to your mailing list, you can decide whether or not to send them a Welcome email. If you want to send them one, create a new issue of your newsletter, using whatever welcome text you would like to use. Next go to the Mailing List page and click on Mailing list settings at the top of the page. For the Send a welcome email to each new subscriber: option select Yes from the drop down list. In the To change your welcome email layout please choose from option, select the Welcome email you have created from the drop down list and click Submit. Return to the Mailing List page and the Welcome email you have chosen will show as the Default setting to be sent to new subscribers. To change the newsletter that is sent out as the Welcome email, select a different issue from the To choose a different welcome email layout please choose from drop down list, when you add new subscribers individually. You can also decide not to send a Welcome email to a specific new subscriber by selecting Do not send a welcome email this time from the same drop down list. For more information, click here to download the latest version of the JAC User Guide. If you need any help with setting up a Welcome email, just get in touch and we'll talk you through it. The JAC Update - June 2009Dear Who? The next update to JAC has been added and is ready for you to use. When you publish your newsletter, JAC picks a name from your mailing list and sticks it at the top. This means that when you put a link to your newsletter onto your website, you get a random name on your newsletter. Now you can decide what name you would like to include, after the 'Dear' or 'Hi' that you type in. If you write your own newsletter, go to the Mailing list page and click on the new Personalise link. Type the name you want to use into the 'name' field. I recommend something like 'Reader' and I'm using 'Scribbles Reader' for my newsletter. Then just click update and you're done. To find out how to do it, click here to download the latest version of the JAC User Guide. If you need more help with this or anything else in JAC, just get in touch by clicking here to email or calling us on 01635 578 500. The JAC Update - March 2009Bookmarks in JAC We've added a handy little feature to JAC! You can now create a table of contents or an 'in this issue' list in your newsletter and allow your readers to click on a listing and jump straight to that section. To find out how to do it, click here to download the latest version of the JAC User Guide. If you need more help with this or anything else in JAC, just get in touch by clicking here to email or calling us on 01635 578 500. The JAC Update - January 2009Happy New Year from JAC! The team would like to wish you a happy and prosperous New Year! Do you know about our new Interactive Marketing service? To keep ahead of your competitors you need to keep marketing on a regular basis. Our new service - Interactive Marketing - gives you the time to focus on your marketing for half a day every month. You spend the time with a marketing consultant who can help you work through whatever needs to be done. Each month we'll work through an agenda and at the end of the session you'll know what needs to be done next, to keep your marketing on track. Interactive Marketing costs £300 +VAT per month. If you'd like to make a difference with your marketing, email or call 01635 578 500. The JAC Update - July 2008The New Faster JAC On 24 July we moved JAC to a newer, faster server. Our business has grown so much and we now have so many people using JAC to publish their email newsletters that we felt we needed a new server. What does this mean to you? Continued access to your newsletter account, whenever you need it! Who else do you know who needs an email newsletter to promote their business and keep in touch with their clients? Please tell them about JAC, or tell us about them and we'll talk to them. No hard sell. And we'll send you a thank you present for your efforts! The JAC Update - March 2008The Launch of JAC2 On 6 March we successfully launched the next phase of JAC2. Did you notice?! Everything went really smoothly, but if you find any problems, please do get in touch. Click here to download the JAC User Guide in a Word file.This will tell you all about the new buttons and features we've added. If there's anything else you would like us to add for the next phase of the development, let us know. The JAC Update - January 2008The Launch of JAC2 The launch of JAC2 is getting closer. We're planning to launch the updated JAC software on Thursday 6 March. The big change that you'll see is where you edit your newsletter - if you do your own loading and editing. The look will change slightly and we're adding in some great new buttons that will make it much easier for you to create your newsletter. Before we go live we'll send you details of all the new buttons, so you can familiarise yourself with them. If you'd like some training on using the new software and getting the best from it, we'll be running some sessions at Apple Tree HQ in Oxfordshire; you can also book a 1-2-1 session over the phone. More details of dates and costs nearer the time. The JAC Update - August 2007Bouncing Around You may already have received an email this month, telling you which emails have bounced from your account. We've been trying to fix this for ages and finally found the answer. What do you need to do now? You can either delete those addresses from your account - they will belong to people who have moved on or given you a wrong email address. Or you can go through the list and make corrections that are obvious - wrong spellings etc - and then get in touch with the others, to ask them for a correct email address. This may take you a bit of time, but it's a great way of cleaning up your list. The end result of either of these exercises will be an increase in your open rate, so it's worth doing. Name That Newsletter The other big change we've made is when you create a new newsletter. Before, if you added punctuation to the FILENAME, it caused problems. Now, if you add something that JAC doesn't like, he'll tell you, so you can correct it. There was also a limit of 40 characters in the SUBJECT field. Now you've got 80 characters to play with! This means that there will always be room for you to use the name of your newsletter and then an enticing line or question that will encourage readers to open your newsletter. The next round of improvements we're going to work on focus on formatting your copy - bullets, tables, images etc. We've got a big list to work through, but if there are any other improvements you'd like us to consider, please do let me know. Latest News from JAC - February 2007Our new phone number is 01635 578 500 If you need some help with your newsletter or you have a problem, you can call us on 01635 578 500, which will always be answered between 9am and 5.30pm from Monday to Friday. Outside these hours, you can leave a message on the answer phone. If you're new to JAC and need to know how to get started with creating and sending your newsletters, or you need a reminder of some of the tricks and shortcuts that make use JAC easier, click here to download our User Guide in a Word file. Monthly Feedback Gets Better If you write your own newsletter and publish it with JAC, you'll know that at the end of each month, we send you some feedback on your newsletter, to help you make it even better. Following requests from a number of clients, we've decided to introduce something that will give you even more help and feedback. Instead of just receiving an email from us, each month you'll be able to book a 15 minute phone or Skype call with our in-house newsletter expert. This will give you the opportunity to ask questions specific to your newsletter and get some really helpful advice - all at no extra charge! You can book your call at any time of the month - either before or after you publish your newsletter. If you don't need any help one month, just wait until you do have some questions and then arrange a call. To book your monthly call, contact us on 01635 578 500. If you'd rather send us your questions by email, you can do that and we'll email you back some feedback. Send your questions to |