Dear Rider,
Whilst reflecting over the last year I decided to read some of my notes from the various speakers who have visited Gainfield and also the seminars I've attended.
I am always surprised at how much I have managed to forget despite experiencing "light bulb moments" at the time! I still have notebooks going back more than twenty years and it is always refreshing to be reminded of the many ways there are to say exactly the same thing! Invaluable help when delivering explanations to different riders with different learning styles.
Anne Tezers' Sports Psychology days are still talked about as being one of the most fascinating. The two days we spent with her unravelled quite a few misconceptions we had about ourselves and a lot more! The 4Cs for me still remains invaluable for helping maintain focus:
- sometimes I find riders so bogged down with theory from reading and listening to experts that it seems they have forgotten the very first rule of riding- whatever sort - to have control!
Control relates to the rider as well in the form of self control, managing thoughts and emotions. Why should we think we can influence a horse under pressure if we cannot control ourselves?
- if you are unsure about what it is you are supposed to be doing and the fear of making a mistake prevents you from being positive about what you want then you are unable to develop the necessary consistent performance that is essential in the development of your horse's mind and body.
- is about desire and for this we require commitment to turn those thoughts into reality.
- is required to achieve all of the above!!!
I hope with the New Year approaching you can take your ambitions - whatever they may be - and work out your personal set of achievable goals. Knowing that you absolutely can achieve them with the help of all of the above!
My New Years wish for you is to - KEEP YOUR CONCENTRATION!!
This can be quite a challenge when life does all it can to distract us ………
I hope Gainfield can be a useful tool to help develop your progress whether it is our training clinics, warm up mornings, competitions (dates out shortly!)
Some of next years trainers' clinics are already being put into place so should you require some extra help then contact us with a view to joining one. If you are unsure as to who would be the most appropriate then do give me a ring for a chat 07887 808 630.
Best wishes,