November 2007

Dear Reader,

Welcome to the first edition of ‘Flourish’!  Each issue will include the latest developments on management training and development and I will feature a different topic each month – this month the focus is on training people who are expected to train others.  Regular features will also include Investors in People, special offers and forthcoming events.  Please feel free to pass this newsletter on to colleagues and let me know what you think.

Best wishes,


Training & Development – How Do You Train Others?

With an unemployment rate in Oxfordshire of only 1%, retaining and developing the skills of good people is vital.  Therefore, having people in your workplace who have the capability to train others, is extremely helpful.  I know that the greatest transfer of skills and knowledge takes place in the workplace.  Before I became a professional trainer, I attended a 5-day ‘train the trainer’ course followed with a second one a few months after.  I believe that if you’re serious about helping people to develop their skills in training others, this is something you should really think about. 

The reality is that you may be asked to train your colleagues without having received any training in how to do it. It’s assumed that if you know something, you will simply be able to pass on your knowledge and skills. This simply isn’t true. 

So, here are some hot tips to think about when you’re training other people:

  • Make sure you know WHO you are going to train, in WHAT SUBJECT, and WHEN.

  • What are the learning objectives? I.e. what does the person you are training need to learn?

  • What is the preferred learning style of the trainee?  You may need to tailor your method of training to suit their learning style.*

  • What equipment or paperwork do you need to use?

  • What atmosphere do you want to create e.g. informal or formal? Humorous or serious?

  • Make a note of the key points you need to cover. Start with an introduction, which should include your learning objectives, explaining what delegates will be able to by the end of the session. Follow this with all the learning points in order, and finish with a summary.

  • Don’t rush – your learners needs time to digest the information that you are passing on.

  • Consider how you will check that the learning objectives have been achieved. Will you ask them to demonstrate their understanding by doing the task themselves?

* If you want to know more about learning styles, click here to visit the Peter Honey website.

If you want to ensure that you, or people who are asked to train others in your business, do have the knowledge and skills to do this effectively (without being asked to be professional trainers) consider booking them on our practical one day ‘Train the Trainer’ workshop – see below for more information.

Investors in People

Each month I will feature a different topic about Investors in People, to share good practice with you.  This month, to tie in nicely with our ‘Training Others’ topic we will look at Indicator 2 – Planning Learning and Development. 

The requirement is that ‘managers can explain team learning and development needs, the activities planned to meet them, how these link to achieving specific team objectives and how the impact will be evaluated.’ It’s the last bit that most people find difficult.  So, let’s work through an example based in a childcare nursery:

Team Objective:  To increase the occupancy rate in the nursery of children placements from 75% to 90%. 

Learning and development need:  For staff who have responsibility of doing guided tours for prospective parents to learn the techniques of ‘selling’.

Activities planned:  For all staff who have the role of showing parents around the nursery, to attend a half-day in-house selling skills course (designed specifically for the nursery) – cost £450 + VAT.

How the impact will be evaluated:  Monitor the number of conversions from visits to firm bookings (currently at 45% - target 60%); observations of staff guided parents visits by Area Manager (how effectively are techniques demonstrated on course being put into practice); monitor occupancy rates – has the target been achieved?

You can follow this format for all learning and development.  It’s easy once you know how and makes evaluation simple!  If you want an example of a learning and development plan, click here to email me and I'll send it to you.

Don’t forget, if you want any help or advice with Investors in People, please come direct to me as you will cut out the cost of the middle man.

Special Offers

Introduction to Team Leadership

In the summer, we launched our new ‘Introduction to Team Leadership’ workshop which proved extremely popular.  Unlike similar programmes that are typically 2 – 3 days duration, this only involves one day out of your business.  To ensure that we cover all the relevant topics typically covered by longer courses, we ask participants to complete both pre and post course work.  However, the real beauty is that to make sure you implement the messages of the workshop, you can also have a follow-up coaching session.  If you book a place on both workshop and the coaching session, you’ll get the following discount:

Introduction to Team Leadership - £225 + VAT (includes handouts, lunch and all refreshments)

Follow-up Coaching session - £160 + VAT

Workshop and Coaching session - £350 + VAT

Date: Wednesday 23rd January 2008 (booking deadline 21st December 2007)

Investors in People

Is your organisation half-way between one three year Review and the next, or maybe your Review is coming up in the next 6 – 12 months? 

I can offer you a half-day desk top review which will involve a meeting with you (and your IIP team if you prefer) to find out how you currently measure up against the requirements of the Standard for £250 + VAT, instead off the recommended rate of £350 + VAT.  You will be left with an action plan to take you forward to your next Review without any last-minute panic!

Call me on 01235 531 341 or 07860 700 575 to arrange a visit or click here to send me an email with your preferred dates.


Train the Trainer - one day workshop

Workshop Aim:  "To enable participants to deliver one-to-one or group training session using appropriate learning styles and trainer techniques to ensure the effective transfer of skills and knowledge to the learner."

Date:  Wednesday 9th January 2008 (booking deadline 11th December 2007) 

Cost:  £225 + VAT to include all handouts, lunch and refreshments.

Call 01235 531 341 or 07860 700 575 to book your place.

Next month in Flourish we'll be looking at issues around Time Management.