is for ...Dear Alun This issue of JAC Tips is a special one, because D is for three different aspects of newsletters. It's also a short issue, in case you're too busy enjoying the summer and not worrying too much about newsletters. I hope you enjoy it. Best wishes, Chantal |
D is for ... Dos, Don'ts and Doubles |
Here are three Ds for you to think about when you're planning and publishing your newsletter. - Do keep publishing your newsletter through the summer, even though many of your readers may be on holiday. Not everyone will be away at the same time and many of your loyal readers will notice if you don't publish. If you're going away and will miss your publication date, write your next issue in advance and set the publication date (if your system allows it) so that it is still published when expected.
- Don't worry if your open rate dips over the summer (and in December too) as many of your readers may be away. This is a trend we see every year, across virtually all the newsletters published through JAC. The numbers usually rise again in September.
- Double opt in. Do you ask subscribers to your newsletter to confirm their subscription? It can help weed out the people who don't really want to receive your newsletter, but it can also prevent you adding someone to your mailing list, even when they've asked you to do it.
We're looking into double opt ins to find out all the pros and cons. Let us know what you think by clicking here to tell us about the pros; or click here to tell us about the cons. |
D is also for ... |
... being in the driving seat of your business. If you want to design your ideal life and get paid for doing what you love and you want to do less while achieving more, you might need some help. Judith Morgan could well be the person to help you. She gets a special mention here because she's the one who recently got me thinking about double opt ins and because her business is called Drive Dance. She also gets a mention because I keep seeing her name in all sorts of inspirational places; because a surprising number of readers of JAC Tips have been directed to it by Judith; and because she publishes a great newsletter. Click here to visit her website and find out all about what Judith does and sign up to her newsletter. |