is for ...Dear Alun If I ever thought I might struggle to think of what the next letter in the A-Z of newsletters might be for, I was wrong. The ideas that come in from each issue are great and for this one, thanks go to Akasha Lonsdale of the Empowering Partnership, who says "How about Inspiration, Initiative, Integrity or Intuition?" Thanks for your inspiration and here are some ideas on how to find it for your newsletter. Best wishes, Chantal |
How many times have you sat down at your computer, planning to write the next issue of your newsletter, or thinking about finally getting started ... only to find that the ideas just don't come and the screen remains completely blank? We all suffer from this problem - even those of us who write regularly - so here are some ideas to help you beat the block. How do you find inspiration for your newsletter? Ask your readers. Do you notice how in most issues of JAC Tips I ask for suggestions for the next letter? (Click here to tell me what you think J should be for!) Your readers will be a great source of ideas. You can ask them to send you questions they'd like you to answer, or issues they'd like you to explain. If you don't yet write a newsletter, you can ask your clients what topics they need help with, to get you started. Read other newsletters. You probably already know that this isn't the only newsletter you can receive that's about newsletters. I subscribe to a number of other ones and know that their authors read JAC Tips. It's good to keep an eye on what's going on in your industry, so why not look for ideas from other newsletters. What opinions do you disagree with? What does your business do better than your competitors? Start a series. When I came up with the not very original idea of the A-Z of newsletters, I was worried that it was too old hat. But many readers told me what a good idea they thought it was. Each time I sit down to write, I know which letter I'm working on and if I've not had any suggestions from readers, I have a quick brainstorm around the letter. I write down all the words that come into my head that start with that letter - no matter how silly they first seem. Then I look at them to see where newsletters fit in and pick the one that inspires me most!
There are plenty of places you can look for inspiration for your newsletter. Play with a few different ideas and you'll find it much easier and more rewarding to write a newsletter that really stands out. |
Integration. How does your newsletter work with the rest of your marketing? Do you tell people about it if you go networking? Can prospects subscribe via your website? Do you use it to ask for referrals? Information Commissioner - if you store details about clients and prospects (including a newsletter mailing list) are you complying with data protection. Click here for more details. If you couldn't access the link in the last issue of JAC Tips, for Jackie Barrie's website, click here and you'll find it. |