is for ...Hi Alun In the last issue of JAC Tips (U is for Unique) I asked for your suggestions for V. Thanks to both Alice Elliott and Jayne Reddyhoff for the winning suggestion of Value. I received lots of other suggestions, but I decided to go with Value because I think it is very important for successful newsletters and follows on from the last issue. To find out how you can add value to your newsletter to make it unique, read on. If you missed the last issue of JAC Tips, click here to read it; the rest of the A-Z of Newsletters can be found here. Best wishes, |
With so much competition out there and so many newsletters for your readers to read, you need to make sure that your newsletter consistently delivers value. When it does, your readers will keep reading, allowing them to get to know you and your business better; and the stronger the relationship, the more likely they are to buy from you. How do you make sure your newsletter delivers value? Write about the issues that your readers are struggling with. Don't write about what you did at the weekend, but give helpful advice that will help your readers to solve problems with which they need help. If you always give your readers something, they will keep reading your newsletter. Write as if you're being paid to write. Don't hold back on how much advice you give your readers. Treat them as if they're all your clients and they'll come to see you as someone they can really trust and someone they can buy from. Write to people who have asked to receive your newsletter. If you add names to your mailing list without asking people to subscribe, chances you are you won't be giving them much value. A smaller mailing list of people who really want to hear from you will be far more effective than a scatter gun approach. You've received this issue of JAC Tips because you requested it; if you don't want to receive any more issues, just click on the link down at the bottom - I won't be offended!
Every time you write an issue of your newsletter, ask yourself if what you're writing is relevant to you readers and why each of them would want to receive your newsletter. When you do this, you'll be on target for delivering consistently high value and winning new clients. |
Thank you for all your suggestions for V. Here are a few more of my favourites. vfdnet can help you with all the financial aspects of running your business. A virtual assistant can help you with the admin that your business generates. Click here to find out how Kate Bacon can help you. If you need help with writing your newsletter, a copywriter can help. Rachel Viney from Viney Associates has recently joined our team. Next time, W will be for Words, Winning new clients and Williams F1! |