January 2009

Dear Sue,

Whatever way you head into 2009 make sure it's positively memorable! This month we're looking at how you want to be remembered, the impact you want to create, and ways of staying positive. Read on to find out more . . .

Ciao for now,

M is for . . . Memorable

Why is it we remember some people with clarity while others quickly fade into obscurity? Both professionally and socially, everyone wants to be remembered – for the right reasons! Creating a long-lasting positive impression requires self-awareness, confidence and authenticity. Take a look at these essential tips to make sure you are remembered in a positive light:

  • Determine how you want to be perceived. For example, at work do you want to be perceived as engaging, participative, and positive or do you want people to think of you as the one who can be counted on to throw a spanner in the works, the one who finds fault, the one who always points out the negative under the guise of offering constructive criticism? Decide how you want to be remembered and behave accordingly.
  • Adopt a positive attitude. Let go of thoughts and memories that drag you down. Forget about the time you danced on the table at the office party to the embarrassment of yourself, your boss and your colleagues. When you let go of negativity, so will others. By being aware of the triggers that provoke negative thoughts and behaviour, you can avoid them.
  • Draw upon your positive memories to maintain a healthy state of mind. Go back to a time or incident when you were at your happiest, and embrace the feeling. Make a mental catalogue of positive memorable moments to draw from when your PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) begins to slip. Demonstrating a PMA is key to creating an impressive and lasting positive impression.

REMEMBER: Be fully present with others. Keep a coat rack in your head to hang details on – remembering the specifics about other people enhances their positive memory of you.

TIP: Modulate your voice. Speak loudly enough to be heard, not so loudly that you put people off.

TECHNICAL STUFF: Research shows that positive thinking reduces stress, boosts immunity and reduces the risk of coronary artery disease. When you feel a negative attitude gaining control, challenge your thinking. Choose positive alternatives. A positive attitude works like a magnet drawing the people you want to connect with to you.

CAUTION: While you want to be distinctive you don't want to be perceived as inappropriate or overpowering. Gentlemen: if you want to be perceived positively, avoid loud ties – they are annoying and leave others with a negative memory of you.

REMEMBER: The impression you make on people determines how they view both you and your business.

FINALLY: Self-awareness is key to being memorable. Knowing yourself, valuing yourself and being authentic ensures you create a positive and long-lasting impression.

COMMENTS: What are your thoughts about PMA? Let us know about your experiences by writing to us at ideas@kuhnkecommunication.com. We look forward to publishing your responses.

To Be Memorable:

  • Identify how you want to be remembered.
  • Perform at your authentic best.
  • Practise positive thinking.


It's great to be getting so much positive feedback from you – do keep it coming. Many thanks to Graeme and Sue for their recent comments:

Like many people, I receive lots of monthly newsletters. Yours is one of the very few I ever read and keep. Love your stuff.

Graeme Dixon (gdixon@blusource.co.uk)

Thanks for including me on your mailing list for your newsletter. It's an extremely useful read.

Sue McKnight (www.ntu.ac.uk)


On Monday, 5th January I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Liz Kershaw (BBC Radio Coventry & Warwickshire.) It was great fun offering advice to people wanting to make a new start in 2009. I was invited to share my own experiences, offer ideas on ways to give memorable presentations, and provide tips on how to create a positive impact when interviewing for jobs.


We've been helping the lads identify their values and visions. In addition, they're discovering what they have to do, and stop doing in order to achieve their goals. Also, we're helping them to prepare and enhance their confidence for job interviews.

Our first candidate to leave the prison is a bright, determined and good lad who was released on 19th December. He served a 2 year sentence for armed robbery at the age of 15 after getting involved with the ‘wrong crowd.' His mother has been inspirational in support of her son, including moving house to ensure they are distanced from the negative influences that were detrimental to his life. He values his family enormously and is totally committed to living an honest life. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Click here to find out more.


The way we communicate with our bodies significantly influences how we are perceived and remembered. Body Language for Dummies is an indispensible guide to the best ways of communicating without words. From first impressions to cultural differences, it's a ‘must read' for anyone wanting to create great and enduring impact. To receive your personally autographed copy click here. Or, go to www.amazon.co.uk, the Wiley website or any good High Street book shop.


A really interesting read this month is Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In by Roger Fisher, William Ury and Bruce Patton (ISBN: 0-09-924842-5). Concise and easy to read, this book is full of innovative ideas about the art of persuasion. Explained with refreshing clarity and well illustrated throughout, it is sure to change or refine the way you negotiate.

Finally, during these particularly challenging times, please accept our very best wishes for Peace and Prosperity in 2009, from Elizabeth, Toby, and all the Kuhnke Communication team.

You never know when you are making a memory.

Rickie Lee Jones