October 2011

Organisational Development - Growth without Growth!

Dear Reader,

Welcome to the first issue of the Persona People Management Newsletter. 

The success of your business relies on your employees; by getting the best from your team you get the best for your organisation. In this launch issue we will be looking at how businesses can improve performance and boost their bottom line without the need for significant expansion. In the current market climate that can only be a good thing!

We hope you find our newsletter useful. If you wish to comment on any aspect of the information enclosed, or would like to find out more about how working in partnership with Persona People Management can benefit your business please do contact me on 0870 066 0844 or simply click here.

Best wishes.

Michelle Prescott

Organisational Development: Growth without Growth!

For a small to medium sized business improving performance, growing market share, increasing profit and maintaining competitive without a large infrastructure and resources is a constant balancing act. It requires every part of the business to work cohesively, the setting and achievement of strategic goals and the ability to respond quickly to market changes.

But what happens when your business hits a period of crisis or you need to launch a new product or service to market but do not wish to invest significantly in the recruitment of new people?

This is when investment in Organisational Development (OD) can reap rewards. 

OD is a highly established field and has been defined as 'a planned and systemic approach to enabling sustained organisational performance through the improvement of its people'.

Whatever the definition the key point is that OD is a transformational process that focuses on your business as a whole with the objective of harnessing the collective talent of each and every person within your organisation to achieve your strategic goals, solve problems and improve performance.  It is about unleashing the potential of your people and bringing every part of your business together to build a sustainable platform for growth and improvement.

So are you ready for OD? You are if ...

  • You have in place a great product or service and a skilled team but you are still not achieving the output and productivity you need to really grow your business.
  • You have an individual or team that despite your best efforts is not working as well as it could.
  • You want t make changes to your business and recognise the potential for employees to be a part of this but you are not sure how to go about it.

If you are experiencing any of these symptons in your business, Organisational Development could be the solution for you.

Recommended Reading

Here are resources to help you find out more about using Organisational Development within your business.




Organization Development – A Practitioner's Guide for OD and HR by Mee-Yan Cheung-Judge and Linda Holbeche

Organization Development and Change by Thomas G. Cummings and Christopher G.Worley

Is Organisational Development just tree hugging and letting your employees do exactly what they want? Or is there more to it? Click here to answer this question on LinkedIn.
