Solve the Web Spring 2007 Workshops
How Do You Get Your Website To Generate More Business? If you have a website and you want it to be more effective at generating customers for you, then these workshops are for you.  18 April - Start Selling Online - now! You've been thinking about it and now it's the time to get going and start earning money from your website. We'll show you how, and get you to make a start right there and then! 16 May - Can They Use It? How you can make your website accessible and make sure its not breaking any laws. We'll also show you how to make your site attractive to the new generation of Internet users. Each of these half-day workshops are being held at the Shillingford Bridge Hotel, near Wallingford, between 9:30am and 1:00pm. Places are limited to six people. They are informal and interactive, giving you plenty of opportunity to delve deeply into the topics. You will be asked to complete some pre-course paperwork, so I can look at your website during the session, talk about what you want to achieve and give you practical ways of doing it. Due to popularity and limitations on numbers, we're delighted to inform we are running the workshops again later this year. - 17 October - Increase Traffic to Your Website.
- 14 November - Start Selling Online - Now!
- 16 May - Can they use it?
For more details, click here to visit our website. The cost of each session is just £120.00 (plus VAT) to include coffee and lunch. Two workshops can be booked for £220.00 (plus VAT). SAVE £60.00 by booking all three for only £300.00 (plus VAT). To reserve a place call me on 01491 836 367 or email Yours sincerely, 
Cat Young |