Dear Benito Galiano Welcome to the second issue of Reverberate. This newsletter will keep you informed of Architectural news, Part E Building regulation updates and will profile our most suitable products. In this issue we focus on BB93 in schools featuring a range of products to help reduce the sound within all types of school space. We value your thoughts and ideas on future articles relating to sound insulation, Part E or any other noise based problem which you may encounter in your work. Please email with any suggestions. Best Wishes Sound Service (Oxford) Ltd
Architectural News
PAY ATTENTION Benito Galiano !! - BB93 in Schools Explained
Building Bulletin 93 is a pretty daunting assignment for anyone involved in the design and specification of school buildings. It sets tough targets for acoustic performance and offers guidance on what construction details should be used to meet the requirements. The cane-snapping Department for Education and Skills says BB93 represents a "significant tightening of the regulations concerning the acoustic design of schools". And it can't simply be ignored like a supply teacher. BB93 has clout because from July 1 2003 school buildings in England and Wales have had to comply with the acoustic Building Regulation Part E. This means that new school buildings will be subject to detailed design checks and on-site inspections by Building Control. To read this article in full click HERE For your FREE detailed guide on suitable products for school spaces click HERE
 Sound Service were approached by the E - Research Department of Oxford University and asked if they would install a suitable product to reduce the echo in their hi-tech webcasting suite. After sending a technical adviser to the site it was decided that the rear wall would need to be covered in Wallsorption to absorb as much sound as possible. "The acoustics are much improved now. The Wallsorption panels have certainly done the trick very well, just like you said they would." - Adi Himpson, Communications Officer, Oxford e-Research Centre |
Product In Focus
QuietBoard is a revolutionary, waterproof, cement impregnated high-density acoustic floor panel designed to improve the airborne noise transfer through separating floors. QuietBoard installed on top of our Acousticel R10 resilient insulation provides a very efficient and stable floating floor that exceeds the PART E requirements. For more information please click HERE
September's Deals
Echosorption Panels - Supplied with FREE Adhesive NEW !! Vibration Pad - 10 % Off 1 x Pallet of R-10 (40 rolls, 200 sq.m) - 50 % Off PLUS FREE Economy delivery Rollover Deal !! 1 x Pallet of Soundproofing Mats (100 mats) Only £999 with FREE Economy delivery Quietboard - 10 % OFF STAPUT Special Spray Adhesive - 10 % OFF Please Note: Subject to limited stock and sold on a first come first served basis. Offer only applicable in the UK Mainland. Please inform the sales team of discount when ordering.