February 2009

Dear Adam

Welcome to the first issue of Switch - the newsletter that will help you save money, save energy and save lives.

Switch is new project that's designed to help you save money by saving energy in your offices and homes. It's about doing simple things - like switching off lights at night or when you're out of the room. It doesn't cost you anything and can actually save you money.

Come to a networking dinner and find out more - while meeting other local businesses. Read on to find out more.

We've sent you this newsletter because you've heard from us before, either in a personal or business context. If you've received it in error and don't want to receive future editions, please use the unsubscribe link at the foot of the email and accept our apologies.

If you like what you read, please feel free to forward it and invite others to subscribe.

Best wishes,

Chantal Cornelius & Gill Gee

What is Switch?

Right now, energy costs are going up while natural resources are being used up at a frightening rate. The developed world is using more and more energy, while people in lesser developed countries are going hungry.

If this carries on, eventually we'll run out of natural resources and be even less able to feed the growing population of the world.

Imagine a future where we use less energy while at the same time we provide more of what's needed within poorer communities. Just by switching off your lights and computers when you're not using them, you can save money for your homes and businesses. By donating just half of what you save in energy bills to poorer communities you can do so much to help them live better lives.

We're committed to helping you find the best ways of saving energy and saving money. To do this, we've set up a blog where you can read other people's ideas and energy saving tips and share some of your own. Click here to read the blog.

Come to the Launch Dinner

The official launch of Switch is being held on Friday 20 February 2009.

Join us for a three course networking dinner at the Shillingford Bridge Hotel, near Wallingford in Oxfordshire. Tickets are just £25 per person, which includes wine! You'll have plenty of time to network with other business owners and hear a bit more about Switch and how you can get involved.

To buy tickets, click here.

Who else do you know who would like to join us at the launch dinner?

 Please tell them about the event - great networking and great food - or forward this email on to them.

If you work for, or know companies who should be involved in Switch, please tell us about them and send them this newsletter. If you see lights left on, tell us where and we'll talk to them about how they can save energy and save money!

Did You Know ...?

A three bedroom semi-detached house that has no insulation costs around £500 a year to heat. Click here to find out how to reduce your energy bill without spending a fortune.